Merge history to another account

If you have multiple financial accounts in Monarch that are all the same account at your bank, then you can merge the history of the accounts together to see everything in one place.

Common situations where you might have multiple accounts with various lengths of history, or duplicate accounts are when you need to switch connections from one data provider to another or a data provider sends us duplicate information. Examples of this include when an old connection stops updating and you add a new connection with less history, or when adding a new Chase account creates duplicates you can see on your Institutions page.

Table of Contents

You can make sure to keep your historical data in Monarch without risking losing it by deleting an account completely from Monarch. 

Balances and transactions are moved separately because it is possible for an account to receive regular balance updates without any transactions.

Move transactions from one account to another

To move information from one synced or manual account to a synced account, select the account from which you want to save the information. Now, you select the transactions you want to move from within the account page, then select the account to move them to and click Move transactions. The transactions will be moved and you will see a notification that can take you to the new account to see the changes! Please note that creating duplicate transactions is possible at this point, so make sure to select only transactions that do not appear in the new account.

Copy balance history from one account to another

To copy balance information, start again with the account from which you want to move the balance. Select Copy balance history. You will be asked to select a Cutover date, which is the day up to when you are adding balance history from your selected account. Balance history prior to this date will be copied from this account and sent to the account you want to Copy history to. Any existing balance history in this same time period will be overwritten by the new balance information.


Please note that this feature:

  • Will create duplicate transactions if you add transactions from one account that also exist in the other!
  • Cannot copy balances between accounts in different households
  • Cannot copy balances between liability and asset accounts
  • Cannot copy balances between investment and non-investment accounts

See this in action here:

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