Upload Account Balance History

You can upload a balance history into an account in Monarch, allowing you to have a more complete set of data and robust view of your finances. You can upload years of data all at once!

This tool can be helpful when you're first setting up your Monarch account, and want to backfill history into an account. For instance, you may have had an account Bank of America for five years, but when you connect the account, our data providers are only able to pull in three months of history.  You can download your account history from your bank directly, then upload it into Monarch.

Watch how to do this here:

Note: We are in the process of updating our videos to match our new redesign! The colors may look different, but the overall process remains the same.

Follow the steps below to upload your balance history:

  1. On web, head to the Accounts page and click on any account to reach the detailed view page.
  2. Click on "Edit" in the top right.
  3. Select the option for "Upload balance history"
  4. Upload a spreadsheet (.CSV) file.
  5. You'll see a modal confirming the dates of the data that are being uploaded.
  6. Once you confirm, the account automatically updates with the data you just added.

CSV Format

The upload balance history tool uses the same format as the download balance history tool. 

The format must be 3 columns with a row for each date. We will automatically fill in gaps in dates. The account name must match the account name in Monarch.


Date Amount Account Name
2023-01-28 500.00


2023-01-27 300.00


2023-01-26 300.00



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