If you are experiencing issues when trying to connect to your financial institution, or if you prefer to use a data provider other than the recommended default option, you can try connecting with a different data provider. For more information on why Monarch offers multiple data providers, please click here.
If you already have an institution connected and want to try switching to a new data provider, check out this article to see how to do that without losing all of your transaction and balance history.
Adding your institution using a specific data provider
For Monarch web:
- Go to your Institutions Settings page by visiting your Profile > Settings > Institutions.
- Click "Add account" and search for your financial institution's name or website.
- If an alternate data provider is available, you'll see a clickable icon to the right of the institution's name.
- Click on that icon to view Monarch's best choice for connection, along with one or more backup data providers.
- Select the alternate data provider and proceed to add your account.
For Monarch mobile:
- Go to your Accounts tab at the bottom.
- Touch the “+” in the top right and search for your financial institution's name or website.
- Touch the “…” on the right side to view Monarch's best choice for connection, along with one or more backup data providers.
- Select the alternate data provider and proceed to add your account.