Transactions in investment accounts are not synced to Monarch by default. Support for transactions in investment accounts is currently in beta and rolling out to customers in batches.
How to sync investment transactions
If your account has access to to this beta feature. Then, you can turn on the setting to allow investment transactions from your Household Preferences Settings page. The setting is labeled "Investment Transactions".
When this setting is turned on, Monarch will automatically start syncing transactions in your investment accounts. The transactions will be displayed in the main Transactions page list, and on the Account detail page for each account. The transactions will be included in your budget and cash flow the same as other transactions.
If you turn off the setting, Monarch will stop syncing transactions in your investment accounts. No change will be made to the existing transactions already in Monarch.
Historical investment transactions
You can upload a csv of transactions into investment accounts to get more history into Monarch. This is the same process as uploading transactions into non-investments accounts. Learn more here: Import transaction data manually from banks or other finance apps