Troubleshooting Duplicate Transactions

Troubleshooting steps

  • Our first recommendation is to log in directly to your banking website and verify that the transaction is not duplicated.
    • If the transaction is listed there as "Pending," it may be a simple error with the bank or merchant.
  • Next, confirm that you have not accidentally added the account multiple times, which would cause duplicate transactions. Check your accounts list on the Institutions Settings page to make sure there are no duplicate accounts, and follow the steps to merge your accounts.
  • If the duplicate transaction does not show up multiple times on your bank's website, is not pending, and is not the result of duplicate accounts, please contact us so our Support Team can help you further troubleshoot. You must include:
    • Name of the financial institution and account.
    • Information for the transaction(s) including:
      • Name
      • Date
      • Amount of the duplicate transaction(s)

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