Splitting Transactions

Splitting a transaction will create individual transactions that you can categorize and manage separately.

Table of Contents

Splitting a transaction on desktop

  • Locate the desired transaction you want to split.
  • Select > to expand the transactions details page.
  • Select ... > Split transaction
  • Set the Merchant, Category, and Amount for each of the splits.
  • Select Add a split to split the transaction into more than two transactions.
  • Select X to remove a split.
  • Select Split into X transactions.

Smart splitting a transaction on desktop

Splitting transactions manually can get tiresome. You can create a rule that will automatic split transactions by navigating to Settings > Rules. Read how to do this here.

Removing a split on desktop

If you change your mind about splitting the transactions, remove the split, don't delete the transaction.
  • Locate the desired transaction you want to remove the split from.
  • Select > to expand the transactions details page.
  • Select Open Splits.
  • Select X to remove all splits.
  • Select Save.


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