If you have an asset without an online connection (like a boat, jewelry, or cold, hard cash), you can create a manual account to track it. Manual accounts are also useful for accounts like mortgages, which historically don't always work well with third-party aggregators so may have a hard time staying synced automatically. Rather than continuously needing to reconnect, you can simply update the balance when needed. These manual accounts work especially well when the asset or account doesn’t have many transactions and the balance of the account doesn’t change often.
As the name implies, manual accounts track everything manually. This means that all transactions and balances are updated by hand. Whenever the balance changes, you can update it by selecting “Edit Account.” If you don’t need to keep track of individual transactions under the account, just changing the balance is a great way to keep manual accounts current.
You can also Upload a CSV file of transactions to a manual account which is a great way to quickly add a lot of transactions. When you upload the CSV file, you will be able to choose to automatically update the balance of the account. If you add transactions manually, you will also be able to update the balance of the manual account.
Additionally, you can Upload account balance history into manual accounts. The upload CSV flow is the only way to change the balance history of a manual account at this time.