The investment section of Monarch was built to give an overview across all your investment accounts on how they are changing and what you're invested in.
Dates & Accounts
The top of the page allows you to change the time interval from the past 30 days (the default) all the way back to any date you pick. The date range assumes your holdings are the same as they are today back through whatever time range you have selected.
For example if you purchased $AAPL 15 days ago but are viewing the past 30 days, the page will assume you owned $AAPL 30 days ago. This is why you won't see the term "gain", "loss", "returns" or "performance" since the the calculation is simply showing the change of that security over that time range.
You can also select which accounts to show from all accounts (the default) or by picking specific accounts. The account picker is grouped by taxable accounts (such as brokerages) vs non-taxable accounts (401k's, 529's, IRAs or other qualified accounts).
The initial page shows all Holdings (the default) or you can switch to view what percent of each investment Type you own. Both pages group by Type and Monarch uses the following investment types for all your holdings:
- Mutual Funds
- ETF (Exchange Traded Funds)
- Equities (includes stocks both US and foreign)
- Fixed Income (includes bonds and CDs)
- Derivatives
- Cash (includes money market funds)
- Cryptocurrency
- Loan
- Other (includes REITs)
The benchmark cards at the top of the page for the S&P 500, US Stocks, and US Bonds are updated in real-time during the day when the market is open. We use several ETF's to represent these benchmarks:
- IVV represents the S&P 500
- VTI represents US Stocks
- AGG represents US Bonds
Your Portfolio
The data on which investments you hold and their quantity is updated daily. It is used to produce the "Your portfolio" card and graph at the top of the page:
The data in the Holdings table below the graph shows which securities you own and their quantity. The Past x days shows the price change over the time interval you picked up to the current real time market price.
Note that Quantity updates daily and Current Price updates in real time during market hours. The Total Value is a simple calculation of quantity x current price which means the Total value is also a real time number during market hours. Because the Holdings table uses real time prices and both the investment graph above it and the separate accounts page uses daily pricing you may find their values don't always match this table:
If Monarch receives the price (cost) you paid for a security you can hover on the quantity to see it. The total cost is a dollar-cost average of all purchases of that security provided by your institution: