Get Financial Advice from a CFP

The Advice section includes recommendations to help you tackle over two dozen common financial advice topics created by a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). Each area includes a set of tasks to help you face the challenge. 

Using Advice

Different categories such as Save Up, Spend, Pay Down, Protect, Invest, and Wellness allow you to organize and accomplish your objectives with proactive advice that you can use to take action and enact the changes that you need where you need them most. 

To get started, click on "Advice" in the left-hand sidebar and answer the questions! You can restart or reset the advice at any time by clicking "Update Profile."

After answering the questions, you will be presented with personalized advice. These bits of advice are divided into Essential Advice (things everyone should do to be more financially secure) and Prioritized By You (objectives that are important to you). Within each tidbit, you'll find Tasks (small assignments that you check off to help you accomplish your Essentials and Priorities).  As you check off all your Tasks, the advice will move to "Completed" and drop off your main screen.

Each time you visit Advice after completing the survey, you will see your personalized advice and tasks! You can also see advice grouped by category on the right-hand side.

Changing Your Advice

You can change the topics under Essential Advice and Prioritized by You by clicking "Update Profile" in the upper right or by clicking "Edit" in the priorities section to restart the survey.

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