You can exclude a transaction from your cash flow and budget calculations by selecting the "Hide transaction" toggle. The transaction will continue to appear in your full transaction list, so you still have a record of it. You’ll see an “eye” icon to indicate the transaction is hidden. Once a transaction has been hidden, you can unhide it at any time.
Table of Contents
Hiding transactions
Hide one transaction
- Locate the desired transaction you want to hide.
- Expand the transaction details by clicking ">" at the end of the transaction line (on web) or by clicking the transaction (on mobile).
- Select the 👁 icon at the top to hide the transaction (on web) or scroll to the bottom and click "Hide" (on mobile).
Hide a few transactions
- Navigate to Transactions and select ✓ Edit Multiple at the top (on web) or click the "..." at the top of the page (on mobile).
- Using the checkboxes, select the transactions to be hidden.
- Select Edit, scroll down to Hide transactions, and select "hide."
- Select Save.
Hide many transactions
- Navigate to Settings > Rules.
- Create a rule that captures the transactions you would like to hide.
- Select apply
Unhiding transactions
- To unhide individual transactions or multiple hidden transactions (including if they were hidden by rules), repeat the steps above but select "unhide" instead (or, on web, click the 👁 icon on a hidden individual transaction to unhide it).