Switch to Direct Sign-In or Disconnect Your Apple/Google Sign-In

You can disconnect Apple or Google as your sign in provider for Monarch at any time directly with Apple or Google. However, if you want to continue to use Monarch, you must ensure that you have a direct sign-in and password set up prior to disconnecting.

Create Direct Sign-In Password

  1. Log into Monarch as usual using your Apple/Google login.
  2. For Apple Users: Find your Apple Private Relay email (if necessary) and make note of it.
  3. Go to your account security settings page.
  4. Click on "Create password."
  5. An email will be sent to the email associated with your Apple ID or Google ID. 
  6. Using desktop web browser (this does not work on the mobile app), access the "Monarch Create Password" email you should have received and click the link to create your password. Note: this may go to your spam folder. 
  7. For Google users: You should now be able to log in with your regular email address and the newly created password and can disconnect Google sign-in.
  8. For Apple users: Still on the web browser (this does not work on the mobile app), go to your account security settings page. If you need to log in again, you should be able to do so with the previously noted Apple Private Relay email and the newly created password.
  9. For Apple users: In the account settings page, click "Edit Email" and add your regular email.
  10. For Apple users: You can then proceed with disconnecting your Apple sign-in and should now be able to log in with your regular email and the password you created.

Disconnect Apple ID

  • Note: Be careful if you use Apple's private relay that hides your real email address from Monarch since disconnecting it may mean we won't be able to reset your password or recover your account. It's important to note the private relay email for future reference.
  • For specific instructions on how to disconnect apps or sites from Apple Sign-In, visit the Apple Help Page found here.

Disconnect Google Account

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